Sports Premium 2022-23

2022-2023 Grant: £21,320 (£16K + £10/pupil)


Expected Outcome


Professional development of KS1 & KS2 teachers

To build on skills in 21-22 to ensure the delivery of PE is highly effective in all year groups. Ensure teachers are using the planning given and where necessary, model lessons and delivery. Work with members of the sports team (JBL)  in school to provide clear strategies for outstanding teaching in PE.  Further focus on games – particularly on developing key skills which can be applied in various sports e.g. defence


P.E. and Outdoor Education Leadership

The focus this year will be on Team Building activities.Ensure staff are developing the learner profile attributes and using these to develop outdoor learning skills. Develop a Junior Duke of Edinburgh Club.  Ensure release time is given to support this development. (SCO).


Children have had access to varied competitions, offering children with a wider range of opportunities to participate, learn and apply skills, within a wider spectrum of abilities. Cost of maintenance and training.



Ensure all children leaving Y6 can swim at least 25m. Swimming lessons take place during both Y6, Year 3 and Year 4. These are given free or at a subsidised cost for families in need of financial support. Lessons take place at Tonbridge Swimming Pool for no less than 10 lessons (term dependent)


Total Spend
